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a smiling man and woman looking at post-operative instructions



"Dental Emergency, if Handled Properly, can Save Your Tooth”




If blood is gushing out and your mouth fills with blood or if you have difficulty with breathing, this may be a medical emergency. Please call 9-1-1 or go the nearest hospital.


If you have one or more of the following:

  • Toothache;

  • A chipped, cracked or broken tooth;

  • A knocked-out adult tooth or a knocked-out baby tooth;

  • A loose tooth;

  • Badly bitten cheek, lip or tongue;

  • Broken jaw;

  • Lost filling;

  • Tooth abscess;

  • Something stuck between teeth; and/or

  • Swollen gums or face;

you have a dental emergency.


Please call 905-828-1120 immediately. If your call is outside our regular business hours, please call 647-205-9365.


If we are unable to answer the phone, please leave a message including your name, phone number, reason for your call AND send an email to info@dunwindental.con or submit the web form on our website. One of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.


Knowing how to handle a dental emergency can make the difference between losing and saving your tooth or prevent further damage.


It's never a good time for a dental emergency. The good news is that you can prevent many dental emergencies by not using your teeth tools, not biting on hard items such as ice, not eating hard foods (hard candy, pop corn, shelled nuts etc.) very fast and wearing a mouthguard when playing sports.


For future use, keep Dunwin Dental’s contact information handy by adding Dunwin Dental’s

to your cell phone so you can contact us to calmly and quickly handle a dental emergency.




A chipped tooth can cause numerous problems if not addressed. From cuts on the tongue to tooth loss, these problems are best avoided altogether by visiting us for an emergency dental care treatment the moment you notice a chip, even a minor one. Learn more...




Toothaches are one of the common dental emergencies but they vary in severity and is often proportional to how significant the issue that is causing the pain. Learn more...​




If you have a knocked-out tooth, your child has a knocked-out tooth, a loose tooth, badly bitten lip, cheek or tongue, broken jaw, lost filling, tooth abscess, swollen gum or face, contact us immediately.​ Learn more...


The following video explains how to deal with dental emergencies in general:

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